Serva Community

Serva Community 4.6.0 Crack + Activation Code Download

December 9 2021

An easy to configure server with extended support for various protocol types required by most PXE network booting or installing applications

Serva Community Crack + Activation Code Download

Download Serva Community + Crack / Serial Keys

Size: 5.9 MB

Including a server in your network configuration enables its users to share and transfer files from one workstation to another much easier, but the setup process is not always easy to carry out. Serva provides you with an easy to configure Preboot eXecution Environment server intended to help regular users have a server up and running in a matter of minutes.

The extended range of supported protocols is one of the main advantages of Serva. It is compatible with HTTP, FTP, TFTP, DHCP, proxyDHCP, BINL, DNS, SNTP, SYSLOG and furthermore, it requires no installation, which means that you can run the server without affecting the host computer in any way.

Each of the server types allows you to configure its functioning parameters to a certain degree, while trying to keep things as simple as possible. The comprehensive 'Settings' window is intuitive enough to help beginners get accustomed to the program from the first interaction, but basic knowledge might be required to fully understand the terminology.

For instance, creating a HTTP server requires you to specify the IP address, the used port, the default webpage, as well as the location of the root directory. FTP servers require a bit more feedback from the user's part. Aside from the IP address and the port, you can configure the user accounts, as well as set the root folder for anonymous and registered users.

Some of the other protocols have different requirements. TFTP servers allow you to configure security options, limit the window size, set timeouts and the maximum number of re-transmissions or activate the error simulator, while the DHCP servers support ping commands and MAC filtering.

Adopting a forthright approach, Serva comes in handy for temporarily running a web server. Ease of use is one of its characteristics, which allows fast configuration, but it does not have the capabilities to run a permanent server.

Supported OS: Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows Vista, Windows XP 64 bit, Windows XP, Windows 2K

What's new
  • 196F - TFTP Vulnerability (DoS)

User comments ( 11 )

leonardo, June 12, 2018

awesome! love it

William, May 15, 2018

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vagner, February 19, 2018

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Alessandra, December 04, 2017

grazie mille per il patch

Gianluca, October 31, 2017

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Matthew, November 04, 2017

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Oliver, July 30, 2017

working crack. thanks

Sharon, July 24, 2016

working patch. thanks

Robert, April 09, 2016

excelent Serva Community crack

Guest, October 12, 2015


Maria, July 31, 2015

Thanks a lot for sharing Serva Community!

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