DeskFX Free Audio Enhancer Software

DeskFX Free Audio Enhancer Software 6.00 Beta Crack Plus License Key

January 3 2024

Enhance the quality of the music and sounds that are played through your speakers or headphones with the help of this simple equalizer tool

DeskFX Free Audio Enhancer Software Crack Plus License Key

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Size: 1.3 MB

Being an audiophile can make your life very complicated. Even after you invest in some of the best speakers or headphones (not to mention a quality soundcard), there may still come moments when you just need to do something extra with the sound coming from your computer.

Your best bet is, of course, a sound equalizer program. Even your Windows 10 has some equalizing options, although they are a bit limited. There are many, more complex applications that you can choose from, so today we’ll take a look at one called DeskFX Free Audio Enhancer Software.

While DeskFX is nothing particularly fancy, it does provide plenty of features to make a significant difference to your audio output. The equalizer itself comes in three modes. The first one is called Visual, and if you’ve ever seen a music producer at work, the interface will seem very familiar. However, don’t expect it to have the same power as a proper audio plugin.

Even if you can drag around the limiter, you mostly have to guess the frequency you’re cutting or amplifying because the audio input doesn’t get a visual representation. This isn’t surprising since the VU meter (aka the volume indicator) can go only as high as 0 dB, meaning that it will mostly stay in red if you like your music just a bit loud.

The Graphic equalizer mode allows you to adjust frequencies by moving slider knobs, while the Parametric equalizer mode features an almost identical interface but also allows you to change the frequency you’re adjusting and its respective bandwidth.

Apart from the efficient equalizing, you can add various effects to your sound; you can amplify it, add some reverb, a low or a high pass, and you can even use effects such as echo, flanger, wah-wah, or distortion. All of them are adjustable, and you can easily change the order in which they affect the output.

All in all, DeskFX Free Audio Enhancer Software is a fun free tool that can certainly alter your audio experience.

Supported OS: Windows 10 64 bit, Windows 10, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 8, Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 7, Windows Vista 64 bit, Windows Vista

User comments ( 3 )

Joshua, 13 July 2020

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Riccardo, 06 July 2020

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Gianluca, 01 June 2020

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